Sunday, May 19, 2013

"The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive"

        "The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive". I have been asked to interpret what this means brothers and sisters. I would like to first start out with asking why do artist's create art, why do dancers dance, why do architects build? Well the purpose for which someone creates anything in particular is to have his or her creation glorify themselves. So then the artist creates his art, dancer's dance routine, and architects buildings for the purpose of glorifying themselves and the places/people that they have grown up in. Well so too are humans called to glorify God.

        Well the question now is how do we "Glorify" God. The answer, brothers and sisters, lies in the first question on "The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive"- obviously Man Fully Alive. Well then what is "Man Fully Alive"? Man fully alive is when man reaches their full potential and glorifies God in every way possible, may it be through simply writing this blog, eating, or studying. The definition of potential is having or showing the capacity to develop something in the future.

        God has given all of us the potential to do great things. Wether we reach that full potential has a variety of factors involved in it. However the key factors to reaching our full potential is through proper use of our talents, opportunities, and the graces that we recieve through God. Using these three, you will definitely reach your full potential.We are all born with passions and  talents, however it is when we find what we our vocations that we can live up to our full potential and glorify God in all things. When we do live up to our full potential, then we are men and women "fully alive".

The Lay People

Everyone of the Catholic Church who has been baptized is called to the Lay if not Holy Orders. God calls us to show holiness in everyday activities and through our actions we will receive blessings beyond our imagination. God wants us to succeed and so do the angels and saints up in Heaven. It can be described like a great coliseum where we are the gladiators of life, and through the intercession of the saints and angels and of course the help of almighty God, we will win. Purgatory is like the Hospital for us when we finally exit the battlefield but need medical attention. After that we will join in the stands and help those in the battlefield as well.The lay people are amazing!


God is the cause of all things good right. Well we all know that the devil is the cause of all things bad. Sometimes I blame God for the bad things that happen to me instead of the devil. Of course people blame God though because he has the power to stop evil. God doesn't do that because, just like the angels in the beginning of time, wanted us to choose him or to reject him. When the angels rejected him, he threw them down from heaven(satan and demons) however when the angels accepted him(current angels and archangels) they were given the graces of God and were shown true happiness. Well same situation with us, however Satan wants to call us to what he did. God however will give us the tools and the strength to reject Satan's evil will and not give into the temptation and evil.

family and friends

Lately I have actually been feeling somewhat lonely. It was as if I walked around the day and no one really noticed me or had anything to say(this was about two weeks ago) and I found myself praying more because in addition to the lonely feeling, I think I was sinning more. I felt God work through my family and friends to help me rise from this feeling. God gives you what you need to succeed. Never underestimate the power of family and friends. They are there when many aren't.

Patience and Perseverance

Early on when I was younger, my teachers and family friends tried to teach me great life lessons. Of course one of their most important teachings was Patience and Perseverance. Now when I first learned this, I really didn't take it to heart because I simply did not have the troubles that I have today. The other day I heard it during mass and I really took it to heart even though every week my parents and family friends actually still say that to me. Patience truly is a theological virtue but we need perseverance if we want to get anywhere. So brothers and sisters, the lesson is simply Patience and Perseverance can take you almost anywhere!