Friday, May 3, 2013


In school for the past few days we have had a depression forum, information, and cookout meetings. I really am glad that we had this because it seemed that about a year ago I was actually depressed and have minute symptoms till this very day. When I heard from professionals on depression and physcology about depression I wasn't to surprised. What really helped me during the time that I was depressed was prayer and faith. I had "faith", somewhat, and hope that I would make it out of that miserable time period. Thank God because I really had a rough time. I came out of it and am glad to be. I think that in my future occupation, I would like to help depressed kids during their time of need and help them, even if there not Catholic or Christian, to have "faith". Hopefully they can make that connection with God even despite their lack of faith.


Vocation of Service

Like Holy Orders, Marriage/Matrimony is a service to God. Husbands and wives support each other continually in matters of faith or just everyday problems. Each helping each other to grow in the oneness of God's Church.  This is why marriage preparation is also important because it helps them discern their call to marriage and the Sacrament.


Recently I have been terrible at praying. I know and feel that prayer is the answer to many problems. The other day I remembered Medugorje and looked at the recent message of the believed Blessed Mother of God. She thanked me for responding to her call! She stated not to forget to pray, much like many of her other messages, and told me to repent and become close to God and Jesus her son. Amazing! So now I am continually trying to open my heart "like a flower open to the sunlight".


Since the beginning, we as humans are meant to "create" with the help of Christ/God in order to help expand the Church and create more disciples of God. In the Catholic Church, if a Catholic attempts to marry a non- Catholic Christian or a non-Christian, they must get approval from the local Bishop in order to get married. From the information I have heard, they - especially the non-Catholic/Christian - must go through some educational classes giving information on the faith and assuring that the kids they raise will be raised as Catholic.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Yesterday I was talking with one of my oldest teachers and he pointed out how caught up we are with instant results and lack patience. Many people say "patience is a virtue", but they really don't know that it is a theological virtue. To be even more specific it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Truly my brothers we lack this in society, which means we lack the Holy Spirit in society. He challenged me to try to not use technology for a day or two - or at least make a sacrifice- in order to understand and achieve a certain degree of patience and so I challenge you as well.



The other day I saw a picture of my only brother. It's been so long since I really talked to him that I didn't even recognize who he was for a brief moment. I literally asked myself, "Who is that guy, he looks extremely familiar". Sometimes I regret not doing that so lately I have been trying to communicate with him more. It's sad how we don't bond with our siblings. How much more with God?


The other day I went to confession and I enjoyed doing so. However the very next day, I committed the biggest sin that I confessed again. At the current I really need to get my act together. It's not as if God hasn't been helping me, I choose on purpose not to follow him. I have realized this has been a huge error in judgement and I am trying to change. Brothers and sisters, please try your very best to fight against temptation.


What is my main obstacle to living a Christian life, and how can I overcome it?

I think the hardest part for me is going through a real and heartfelt prayer. In school, home, and wherever, usually I pray without really trying to communicate with God. Truly I feel silence is the best way to do so. My priest pointed out the other Sunday that usually whenever we are angered or saddened to the point of crying, silence usually calms us. How mysterious...

The Church and the Life of the Faithful

We are all called to holiness. There are many people who become  a lay person, however these people are people who are very dedicated. In the ordinary life of a Catholic, people go through the liturgical year and the seven sacraments as requriements. Often times people lie about how they love God. People who are truly looking to establish a good or better relationship with God typically partake in missionary work.